Hours: Monday - Friday
9:30 am - 6:30 pm
Saturday: 9:30 am - 2:30 pm
Inclement Weather Policy:
Beck Bookman Library will follow
the schedule of USD 336.

Tax Time!
Print - Copy - FAX - Scan
15¢ per page - 30¢ double sided
Color: 25¢ per page 50¢ double sided
30 sheets maximum
To Send: 50¢ per FAX
includes cover & confirmation page
To Receive: 15¢ per page
Free! Please ask staff for assistance.
It is the mission of Beck Bookman Library to provide access to a world of literature and learning through a variety of media. The library seeks to serve a community of all ages and interests, creating a centralized resource center that meets the increasing need for information.

420 West 4th Street
Holton, Kansas 66436
A Few of our New Books
Ready to Read:
Come take a look! Due to several generous memorials and donations, we have a ton of new books in Large Print, Fiction, YA, Junior Fiction and ALL of our children's sections.
Lots of great stuff!
All of our new titles may not appear on this list. If you have questions or suggestions, please feel free to call or email. I will attempt to update the list weekly, as time allows. 02/02/21